Friday, May 31, 2024

Starship Super Heavy Is Set to Launch on Its Fourth Flight as Early as Next Wednesday...

Starship Super Heavy successfully conducted a second Wet Dress Rehearsal for IFT-4 at Starbase in Texas...on May 28, 2024.

With the flight termination system now installed on Ship 29 after this vehicle and Booster 11 conducted a second Wet Dress Rehearsal (WDR) three days ago, Starship Super Heavy finally appears be ready for a launch attempt on Integrated Flight Test 4 (IFT-4)...which SpaceX is aiming to conduct as soon as June 5.

According to a statement by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the investigation into Starship Super Heavy's last flight is still ongoing. However, assuming that other license requirements are met, SpaceX can conduct IFT-4 even though the IFT-3 investigation is still open!

Of course, SpaceX needs to receive official launch approval from the FAA first. Assuming that the U.S. government agency concurs with SpaceX on the targeted June 5 launch date, then that license should obviously be granted within the next few days.

Posted in this entry are photos from the May 28 WDR.

Starship Super Heavy successfully conducted a second Wet Dress Rehearsal for IFT-4 at Starbase in Texas...on May 28, 2024.

Starship Super Heavy successfully conducted a second Wet Dress Rehearsal for IFT-4 at Starbase in Texas...on May 28, 2024.

Starship Super Heavy successfully conducted a second Wet Dress Rehearsal for IFT-4 at Starbase in Texas...on May 28, 2024.

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