Saturday, May 25, 2024

Photos of the Day: Endeavour Gets Ready to be Placed Under the Roof...

Taking a selfie with Endeavour's Space Shuttle Stack at the California Science Center in Los Angeles...on May 23, 2024.

Two days ago, I drove down to the California Science Center in Los Angeles to check out Endeavour's Space Shuttle Stack once more.

As shown in these photos that I took, Endeavour and her twin solid rocket boosters (SRBs) are fully covered by scaffolding—with layers of plywood placed above the orbiter and her SRBs to protect them while construction workers prepare to assemble the rooftop enclosure that will enshroud the vehicle as the Samuel Oschin Air and Space Center moves a step closer to completion.

Not only did I see Endeavour during last Thursday's visit, but I also checked out a new exhibit that quietly opened on the California Science Center's second floor...right next to the space gallery featuring the historic Mercury, Gemini and Apollo-Soyuz capsules! (Check out my post on X to see a short video that I shot of this gallery.)

What's inside that new exhibit, you ask? More on that in the next blog entry!

A snapshot of Endeavour's Space Shuttle Stack at the California Science Center in Los Angeles...on May 23, 2024.
Richard T. Par

A snapshot of a U.S. Air Force A-12 Blackbird and Endeavour's Space Shuttle Stack at the California Science Center in Los Angeles...on May 23, 2024.
Richard T. Par

Another snapshot of Endeavour's Space Shuttle Stack at the California Science Center in Los Angeles...on May 23, 2024.
Richard T. Par

Another snapshot of Endeavour's Space Shuttle Stack at the California Science Center in Los Angeles...on May 23, 2024.
Richard T. Par

A snapshot of a NASA T-38 Talon and Endeavour's Space Shuttle Stack at the California Science Center in Los Angeles...on May 23, 2024.
Richard T. Par

Another snapshot of Endeavour's Space Shuttle Stack at the California Science Center in Los Angeles...on May 23, 2024.
Richard T. Par

Another snapshot of Endeavour's Space Shuttle Stack at the California Science Center in Los Angeles...on May 23, 2024.
Richard T. Par

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